
ISO 24102-3:2018


Existing or new amendments and versions must be purchased separately.



This document specifies the management service access points, i.e. the service access points of — the interfaces between the ITS-S management entity and — the ITS-S access layer (MI-SAP), — the ITS-S networking & transport layer (MN-SAP), — the ITS-S facilities layer (MF-SAP); — the interfaces between the ITS-S security entity and — the ITS-S access layer, — the ITS-S networking & transport layer, — the ITS-S facilities layer; — the interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S security entity (MS-SAP) — the interfaces between the ITS-S application entity and — the ITS-S management entity (MA-SAP), — the ITS-S security entity (SA-SAP).

Products specifications

  • Standard from ISO
  • Published:
  • Edition: 2
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: ISO
  • Distributor: ISO
  • ICS: 03.220.01
  • ICS: 35.240.60
  • International TC: ISO/TC 204

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