
IEC TS 60695-2-20:2004 ED2


Note: Latest version: IEC TS 60695-2-20:2024 ED4

Existing or new amendments and versions must be purchased separately.



Applicable to solid electrical insulating materials. It is intended to measure the time required to ignite the test specimen during the application of heat from an electrically heated coil as an ignition source. This test method is not valid for determining the ignition behaviour of complete items of equipment, since the dimensions of the insulating systems or combustible parts, the design and heat transfer to adjacent metallic or non-metallic parts, etc. greatly influence the ignitability of the electrical insulating materials used therein. In addition, it is not valid for determining fire behaviour and fire hazard of equipment. The data may be used for the preselection of a material as described in IEC 60695-1-30. The optional Performance Level Category (PLC) system described in Annex B is intended for the preselection of component materials for products. An alternative test for ignitability is IEC 60695-2-13. However, no correlation has been established between IEC 60695-2-20 and IEC 60695-2-13. The status of this publication has been reassigned from an International Standard to a Technical Specification, however, the structure and layout remains essentially the same. Every technical aspect of this test method has been reviewed in an attempt to improve both the repeatability and reproducibility. Annex A has been added for the determination of the test current Ic. Annex B has been added which introduces the concept of a Performance Level Category (PLC). Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104

Products specifications

  • Standard from IEC
  • Published:
  • Withdrawn:
  • Edition: 2
  • Document type: TS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: IEC
  • Distributor: IEC
  • ICS: 13.220.40
  • ICS: 29.020
  • International TC: TC 89

Product Relations

Product life cycle