
IEC 60364-4-44:2001+AMD1:2003+AMD2:2006 CSV ED1.2


Note: Latest version: IEC 60364-4-44:2024 ED3

Existing or new amendments and versions must be purchased separately.



The rules of this part of IEC 60364 are intended to provide requirements for the safety of electrical installations in the event of voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances generated for different specified reasons. The requirements are arranged into three sections as follows: Clause 442 Protection of low-voltage installations against temporary overvoltages and faults between high-voltage systems and earth. Clause 443 Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching. Clause 444 Measures against electromagnetic influences. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2001), its amendment 1 (2003) and its amendment 2 (2006). Therefore, no need to order amendments in addition to this publication.

Products specifications

  • Consolidated from IEC
  • Published:
  • Withdrawn:
  • Edition: 1.2
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: IEC
  • Distributor: IEC
  • ICS: 91.140.50
  • International TC: TC 64

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