
IEEE 1722-2016


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Revision Standard - Active. The protocol, device discovery, connection management, and device-control procedures used to facilitate interoperability between audio- and video-based end stations that use IEEE 1722–based streams on IEEE 802–based networks are specified.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de IEEE
  • Publié:
  • Type de document: IS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEEE
  • Distributeur: IEEE
  • ICS: 35.110
  • Comité national: IEEE Computer Society / Microprocessor Standards Committee

Relations produit

  • Référence: IEEE 802.1Q-2014
  • Référence: IEEE 1722.1-2013
  • Révise: IEEE 1722-2011
  • Référence: IEEE 802.1AS-2011
  • Référence: IEEE 1394-2008
  • Référence: IEEE 754-2008
  • Référence: IEEE 1363a-2004
  • Référence: RFC 2435, RTP Payload Format for JPEG-Compressed Video.
  • Référence: IEC 61883-8:2013, Consumer Audio/Video Equipment—Digital Interface—Part 8: Transmission of ITU-R Bt.601 Style Digital Video Data.
  • Référence: IEC 61883-1:2008, Consumer Audio/Video Equipment—Digital Interface—Part 1: General.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 338:2015, Format for Non-PCM Audio and Data in AES3—Data Types.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 292-1:2012, 1.5 Gb/s Signal/Data Serial Interface.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 2022-6:2012, Transport of High Bit Rate Media Signals over IP Networks (HBRMT).
  • Référence: RFC 5371, RTP Payload Format for JPEG 2000 Video Streams.
  • Référence: RFC 5297, Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
  • Référence: IEC 61883-4:2004, Consumer Audio/Video Equipment—Digital Interface—Part 4: MPEG2-TS Data Transmission.
  • Référence: IEC 61883-7:2003, Consumer Audio/Video Equipment—Digital Interface—Part 7: Transmission of ITU-R BO.1294 System B.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 296:2012, 1280 × 720 Progressive Image 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 Sample Structure—Analog and Digital Representation and Analog Interface.
  • Référence: IIDC2 Digital Camera Control Specification Ver.1.0.0, Jan. 2012.
  • Référence: NIST FIPS-197, Specification for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 274:2008, Television—1920 × 1080 Image Sample Structure, Digital Representation and Digital Timing Reference Sequences for Multiple Picture Rates.
  • Référence: IEC 61883-6:2014, Consumer Audio/Video Equipment—Digital Interface—Part 6: Audio and Music Data Transmission Protocol.
  • Référence: AES47-2006 (r2011), AES Standard for Digital Audio—Digital Input-Output Interfacing—Transmission of Digital Audio over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 337:2008, Format for Non-PCM Audio and Data in an AES3 Serial Digital Audio Interface.
  • Référence: AES3-1-2009, AES Standard for Digital Audio—Digital Input-Output Interfacing—Serial Transmission Format for Two-Channel Linearly-Represented Digital Audio Data—Part 1: Audio Content.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 425-1:2011, Source Image Format and Ancillary Data Mapping for the 3 Gb/s Serial Interface.
  • Référence: SMPTE ST 259:2008, Television—SDTV Digital Signal/Data—Serial Digital Interface.
  • Référence: RFC 6184, RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video.
  • Référence: AES3-3-2009, AES Standard for Digital Audio—Digital Input-Output Interfacing—Serial Transmission Format for Two-Channel Linearly-Represented Digital Audio Data—Part 3: Transport.
  • Référence: AES3-2-2009, AES Standard for Digital Audio—Digital Input-Output Interfacing—Serial Transmission Format for Two-Channel Linearly-Represented Digital Audio Data—Part 2: Metadata and Subcode.