
IEC TS 62910:2020 ED2


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IEC TS 62910:2020 provides a test procedure for evaluating the performance of Under Voltage Ride-Through (UVRT) functions in inverters used in utility-interconnected Photovoltaic (PV) systems. This document is most applicable to large systems where PV inverters are connected to utility high voltage (HV) distribution systems. However, the applicable procedures may also be used for low voltage (LV) installations in locations where evolving UVRT requirements include such installations, e.g. single-phase or 3-phase systems. The assessed UVRT performance is valid only for the specific configuration and operational mode of the inverter under test. Separate assessment is required for the inverter in other factory or user-settable configurations, as these may cause the inverter UVRT response to behave differently. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition issued in 2015 and constitutes a technical revision.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de IEC
  • Publié:
  • Version: 2
  • Type de document: TS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEC
  • Distributeur: IEC
  • ICS: 27.160
  • Comité international: TC 82

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