
IEC 61131-2:2003 ED2


Note: Version actuelle: IEC 61131-2:2017 ED4

Amendements et versions existants ou nouveaux doivent être achetés séparément.



Specifies requirements and related tests for programmable controllers (PLC) and their associated peripherals (for example, programming and debugging tools (PADTs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), etc.) which have as their intended use the control and command of machines and industrial processes.The object is to establish the definitions and identify the principal characteristics relevant to the selection and application of PLCs and their associated peripherals and to specify the minimum requirements for functional, electrical, mechanical, environmental and construction characteristics, service conditions, safety, EMC, user programming and tests applicable to PLCs and the associated peripherals.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de IEC
  • Publié:
  • Radié:
  • Version: 2
  • Type de document: IS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEC
  • Distributeur: IEC
  • ICS: 25.040.40
  • ICS: 35.240.50
  • Comité international: TC 65/SC 65B

Relations produit

Cycle de vie du produit