
SN EN ISO 8230-3:2009


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ISO 8230-3:2008 specifies safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines that use a combustible solvent (CS) as their cleaning medium. It is applicable to such dry-cleaning machines, within the scope of ISO 8230-1, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse that are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. ISO 8230-3:2008, in conjunction with ISO 8230-1, deals with all significant hazards, significant hazardous situations and significant hazardous events that have been identified as being significant to the types of machines covered by this part of ISO 8230 and which require specific action by the designer or manufacturer to eliminate or reduce the risk. It deals with the following significant hazards specific to the use of CS: hazards related to the entire dry-cleaning machine (electrical hazards, explosion hazards); hazards relating to the machine and tumblers (combustible solvent emission, explosion hazards during the cleaning phase, explosion hazards during the drying phase); hazards relating to the distilling equipment (combustible solvent emission, explosion hazards).

Specifiche dei prodotti

  • Standard da SWISSMEM
  • Pubblicato:
  • Efficace:
  • Tipo di documento: EN
  • Pagine
  • ICS 97.060
  • Publisher SWISSMEM
  • Distributor SNV
  • National Committee Swissmem/NK 24

Riferimento legale

Autorità federale svizzera: SECO
Designato ai sensi della legge svizzera:
Riferimento legaleRestrizioni
Designato ai sensi della legislazione dell'UE:
Riferimento legaleRestrizioni
Directive 2006/42/EC

Relazioni con i prodotti