
SN EN 16712-3:2016


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1.1 This European Standard applies to handheld foam branchpipes, and self-inducting foam branchpipes, for low and medium expansion foam used by fire and rescue services and defines their specification and test procedures. NOTE In this European Standard, the term "branchpipe" also refers to "hand-held foam branchpipes". 1.2 This European Standard is not applicable to hand-held foam branchpipes which have been manufactured before its date of publication as European Standard.

Specifiche dei prodotti

  • Standard da INB
  • Pubblicato:
  • Efficace:
  • Tipo di documento: EN
  • Pagine
  • ICS 13.220.10
  • Publisher SNV
  • Distributor SNV
  • National Committee INB/NK 134