
ASTM A684/A684M:10a


Nota: Ultima versione: ASTM A684/A684M:24

Le modifiche e le versioni esistenti o nuove devono essere acquistate separatamente.



This specification covers cold-rolled, high-carbon strip. The strip shall be furnished cold rolled spheroidized annealed, soft annealed, intermediate hardness, or full hard, as specified. The heat or cast analysis shall conform to that specified requirement. Hardness test and bend test shall be made to conform to the requirements specified.

Specifiche dei prodotti

  • Standard da ASTM
  • Pubblicato:
  • Edizione: 10a
  • Tipo di documento: IS
  • Pagine
  • ICS 77.140.50
  • National Committee American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ,Philadelphia, USA
  • Publisher ASTM
  • Distributor ASTM

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