
SN EN ISO 12944-4:2018


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ISO 12944-4:2017 covers the following types of surfaces of steel structures consisting of carbon or low-alloy steel, and their preparation: - uncoated surfaces; - surfaces thermally sprayed with zinc, aluminium or their alloys; - hot-dip-galvanized surfaces; - zinc-electroplated surfaces; - sherardized surfaces; - surfaces painted with prefabrication primer; - other painted surfaces. ISO 12944-4:2017 defines a number of surface preparation grades but does not specify any requirements for the condition of the substrate prior to surface preparation. Highly polished surfaces and work-hardened surfaces are not covered by ISO 12944-4:2017.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de INB
  • Publié:
  • Effectif:
  • Type de document: EN
  • Pages
  • ICS: 25.220.10
  • ICS: 87.020
  • ICS: 91.080.13
  • Editeur: SNV
  • Distributeur: SNV
  • Comité national: INB/NK 123
  • Comité européen: CEN/TC 139
  • Comité international: ISO/TC 35

Relations produit