
SAE 2008-01-1445

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A new strain-based forming limit criterion is proposed to assess the localized necking failure for sheet metal forming simulations when deformation paths deviate significantly from linearity. Different from the traditional strain-based Forming Limit Diagrams (FLD) in terms of major and minor strains, the new FLD is constructed based on effective strains and material flow direction at the end of forming. This new criterion combines the advantages of stress-based FLD for its path-independence and the traditional linear strain path FLD for its easy interpretation. The proposed FLD is validated through both theoretical prediction with Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) model and available experimental data in literature, and its relationship with stress-based FLDs is discussed.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de SAE International
  • Publié:
  • Type de document: IS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: SAE International
  • Distributeur: SAE International