
IEC TS 63140:2021 ED1


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IEC TS 63140:2021 provides test methods for quantifying the permanent change in a monolithically integrated PV module’s power output that may result from some potential partial shade conditions. Three tests are available, representing conditions of use, misuse, and most severe misuse. This document is applicable to monolithically integrated PV modules with one series-connected cell group or with multiple series-connected cell groups that are in turn connected in parallel. This document is not applicable to PV modules formed by the interconnection of separate cells.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de IEC
  • Publié:
  • Version: 1
  • Type de document: TS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEC
  • Distributeur: IEC
  • ICS: 27.160
  • Comité international: TC 82