
IEC GUIDE 118:2017 ED1


Note: Version actuelle: IEC GUIDE 118:2024 ED2

Amendements et versions existants ou nouveaux doivent être achetés séparément.



IEC Guide 118:2017(E) is intended for technical committees and gives guidance on how to consider energy efficiency aspects when preparing IEC publications. Its purpose is: - to describe the contributions of IEC publications to energy efficiency; - to describe the concept of an energy efficiency aspect; - to provide categories of energy efficiency aspects and a list of energy efficiency aspects to be considered by technical committees. This Guide: - helps in harmonizing the approach to energy efficiency; - raises awareness that provisions in IEC publications can affect the energy performance of the product itself (taken individually) and of the entire application (embedding the product), in both negative and positive ways; - helps technical committees to identify energy efficiency aspects that contribute to energy efficiency improvement of the product itself and of the entire application; - promotes the use of a systematic approach when addressing energy efficiency in the context of standardization; - promotes the use of a systems approach when addressing energy efficiency aspects in the context of standardization.

Spécifications des produits

  • Publication de IEC
  • Publié:
  • Radié:
  • Version: 1
  • Type de document: GUIDE
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEC
  • Distributeur: IEC
  • ICS: 27.015
  • Comité international: ACEE

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Cycle de vie du produit