
IEC 62530:2021 ED3


Amendements et versions existants ou nouveaux doivent être achetés séparément.



IEC 62530:2021(E) provides the definition of the language syntax and semantics for the IEEE 1800™ SystemVerilog language, which is a unified hardware design, specification, and verification language. The standard includes support for behavioral, register transfer level (RTL), and gate-level hardware descriptions; testbench, coverage, assertion, object-oriented, and constrained random constructs; and also provides application programming interfaces (APIs) to foreign programming languages. This edition corrects errors and clarifies aspects of the language definition in IEEE Std 1800-2012.1 This revision also provides enhanced features that ease design, improve verification, and enhance cross-language interactions. This publication has the status of a double logo IEEE/IEC standard.

Spécifications des produits

  • Standard de IEEE
  • Publié:
  • Version: 3
  • Type de document: IS
  • Pages
  • Editeur: IEEE
  • Distributeur: IEEE
  • ICS: 25.040.01
  • ICS: 35.060
  • Comité international: TC 91

Relations produit

Cycle de vie du produit