
SAE 2017-01-1649

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SmartDeviceLink (SDL) is open-source software that connects the vehicle’s infotainment system to mobile applications. SDL includes an open-source software development kit (SDK) that enables a smart-device to connect to the vehicle’s human-machine interface (HMI), read vehicle data, and control vehicle sub-systems such as the audio and climate systems. It is extensible, so other convenience subsystems or brought-in aftermarket modules can be added. Consequently, it provides a platform for cyber-physical systems that can integrate wearables, consumer sensors and cloud data into an intelligent vehicle control system. As an Open Innovation Platform, new features can be rapidly developed and deployed to the market, bypassing the longer vehicle development cycles. This facilitates a channel for rapid prototyping and innovation that is not constrained by the traditional process of automotive parts development, but is rather on the timeline of software development. This allows parties other than the OEM, including third party developers, universities, and startups, to quickly integrate their applications into the car. By digitizing the controls into a programmable application program interface (API), we can incorporate machine learning and ambient intelligence to learn user preferences and needs over time and intelligently pre-set them automatically. This can disrupt the traditional model of the human machine interaction. This is particularly important as transportation moves towards autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we discuss some specific examples using SDL to enhance the transportation experience, including intelligent air quality and climate control, enhanced radio interface, mobility service applications, and innovative intelligent vehicle features.

Products specifications

  • Standard from SAE International
  • Published:
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: SAE International
  • Distributor: SAE International