
SAE 2016-01-2030

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Cost and performance requirements are driving military and commercial systems to become highly integrated, optimized systems which require more sophisticated, highly complex controls. To realize benefits of those complex controls and make confident decisions, the validation of both plant and control models becomes critical. To quickly develop controls for these systems, it is beneficial to develop plant models and determine the uncertainty of those models to predict performance and stability of the control algorithms. A process of model and control algorithm validation for a dc-dc boost converter circuit based on acceptance sampling is presented here. The validation process described in this paper is based on MIL-STD 3022 with emphasis on requirements settings and the testing process. The key contribution of this paper is the process for model and control algorithm validation, specifically a method for decomposing the problem into model and control algorithm validation stages. The other contribution includes projection of model and control uncertainty limits to areas where experimental data has not been taken. These methods will be used to compare delaying of a control action until the beginning of the next control loop versus using the control action immediately but at a non-deterministic time interval (i.e., jitter will be introduced).

Products specifications

  • Standard from SAE International
  • Published:
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: SAE International
  • Distributor: SAE International