
SAE 2016-01-1645

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A vehicle parking manoeuvre is characterized by low or zero speed, small turning radius and large yaw velocity of the steered wheels. To predict the forces and moments generated by a wheel under these conditions, the Pacejka Magic Formula model has been extended to incorporate the effect of spin (turn slip model) in the past years. The extensions have been further developed and incorporated in the MFTyre/MF-Swift 6.2 model. This paper describes the development of a method for the identification of the turn slip parameters. Based on the operating conditions of a typical parking manoeuvre, the dominant parameters of the turn slip model are firstly defined. At an indoor test facility, the response of a tyre under the identified operating conditions is measured. An algorithm is developed to identify the dominant turn slip parameters from the measured responses. Wherever possible, the algorithm is based on direct analytical relationships between the turn slip model parameters and the measured signals, otherwise an iterative method is applied. By means of comparing vehicle simulation results to instrumented vehicle measurements, the turn slip model, including the identified parameters, is validated. The results show the effectiveness of the developed method.

Products specifications

  • Standard from SAE International
  • Published:
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: SAE International
  • Distributor: SAE International