
ISO 3431:1976


Existing or new amendments and versions must be purchased separately.



Applicable to products having SO4 contents of more than 0.05 % (m/m). Covers the dissolution of the test portion in hydrochloric acid and evaporation in hydrochloric acid solution for drying. Dissolution of the residue in a hydrochloric acid solution. Measurement of the turbidity obtained by precipitation, under specified conditions, of barium sulphate using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of about 470 nm or a photoelectric absorptiometer.

Products specifications

  • Standard from ISO
  • Published:
  • Edition: 1
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • Publisher: ISO
  • Distributor: ISO
  • ICS: 71.100.10
  • International TC: ISO/TC 226