
IEC TR 63447-1:2023 ED1


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IEC TR 63447-1:2023 introduces various form factors of smart mobile devices and their impact on multimedia services. It does not deal with: a) SMD performance to process multimedia services; b) hardware performance and technology for each part, such as the battery, the antenna, the display, the main processor, various sensors; c) the characteristics of the SMD's operating system (Android, iPhone OS etc.); d) the generation characteristics of telecommunication and radio frequency (including wireless); e) wearable devices, like smart watch, AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality) and so on.

Products specifications

  • Standard from IEC
  • Published:
  • Edition: 1
  • Document type: TR
  • Pages
  • Publisher: IEC
  • Distributor: IEC
  • ICS: 33.160.60
  • International TC: TC 100/TA 1