
ASTM C910:16(2021)

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This test method details the standard procedures for the determination of the bond and cohesion of one-part elastomeric solvent release-type sealants after high- and low-temperature aging. The materials and apparatuses needed for this test procedure are an extension machine, a forced-draft type oven, a convection type oven, a freezer chest or cold box, mortar blocks, glass plates, aluminum alloy plates, and polyethylene spacer bars. This test method also requires the use of the following reagents: acetone or methyl ethyl ketone solvents; detergent solution; and distilled water.

Products specifications

  • Standard from ASTM
  • Published:
  • Edition: 16(2021)
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • ICS: 83.060
  • ICS: 91.100.50
  • National Committee: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ,Philadelphia, USA
  • Publisher: ASTM
  • Distributor: ASTM

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