
ASTM C224:78(2020)

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This practice covers the standard for sampling of glass bottles, jars, and other containers intended for use in testing mechanical strength, dimensions, and other measurable characteristics. Sampling from a continuous manufacturing process shall be in accordance with a time schedule. When testing for annealing affected characteristics, samples shall be taken from the exit of the lehr (or from packed cases whose continuity in point of time is known). For characteristics not affected by the degree of annealing, quickly cooled samples may be taken ahead of the lehr. Sample may come from the lot as a whole or it may be necessary to sort the lot before sampling. Sorting may be based on style, color, size, manufacturer, or mold designation. Containers packed in cases shall be removed from the lot at random. The minimum number of cases to be selected shall be in accordance with the military standard prescribed herein.

Products specifications

  • Standard from ASTM
  • Published:
  • Edition: 78(2020)
  • Document type: IS
  • Pages
  • ICS: 55.100
  • National Committee: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ,Philadelphia, USA
  • Publisher: ASTM
  • Distributor: ASTM

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