
SAE J1169_200707


Hinweis: Neuste Ausgabe: SAE J1169_199805

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This SAE Standard establishes the test procedure, environment, and instrumentation to be used for measuring the exhaust sound level of passenger cars, multipurpose vehicles, and light trucks under stationary conditions. Measurements are taken under steady-state conditions. In this respect, this procedure differs from ISO 5130 which includes measurements under the dynamic conditions of an engine deceleration. This sound level measurement procedure has been developed as a guide for governmental agencies establishing in-service sound level limitations and enforcement measurement procedures. It is directed at the assessment of vehicle exhaust noise and is not intended to determine maximum vehicle sound levels.


  • Standard von SAE International
  • Ausgabedatum:
  • Rückzugsdatum:
  • Dokumenttyp: IS
  • Seiten
  • Herausgeber: SAE International
  • Lieferant: SAE International
