
SAE AS6009


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This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Mobility Services . JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Mobility Services represent the platform-independent capabilities commonly found across all domains and types of unmanned systems. At present, 15 services are defined in this document. Some examples include: Pose Sensors: Determine the instantaneous position and orientation of a platform in global or local coordinates Velocity State Sensor: Determines the instantaneous velocity of a platform Acceleration State Sensor: Determines the instantaneous acceleration of a platform Primitive Driver: Performs basic mobility for a platform based on force/torque efforts Vector Drivers: Perform closed loop mobility for straight line travel Velocity State Driver: Similar to vector drivers, but with additional degrees of freedom Waypoint Drivers: Perform closed loop mobility to a location specified Waypoint List Drivers: Performs closed loop mobility using a series of locations Path Segment Drivers: Performs closed loop mobility along a specified path Each service is described by a JAUS Service Definition (JSD) which specifies the message set and protocol required for compliance. Each JSD is fully compliant with the JAUS Service Interface Definition Language [JSIDL].


  • Standard von SAE International
  • Ausgabedatum:
  • Rückzugsdatum:
  • Dokumenttyp: IS
  • Seiten
  • Herausgeber: SAE International
  • Lieferant: SAE International
