
ISO 18400-204:2017


Bestehende oder zukünftige Amendments und Versionen müssen separat erworben werden.



ISO 18400-204:2017 contains guidance on soil gas sampling using - active sampling (adsorbents, filters, air containers), and - passive sampling applied at permanent or temporary monitoring wells or other installations in soils or underneath buildings (sub-slab). It provides guidance on: - development of a sampling plan; - construction of monitoring installations; - transport, packaging and storage soil gas samples; - quality assurance. ISO 18400-204:2017 also gives basic information about - soil gas dynamics, and - identification of soil gas sources relevant to permanent or temporary boreholes in soils or underneath buildings (sub‑slab). The compounds covered by this document are: . volatile organic compounds (VOCs); . inorganic volatile compounds (e.g. mercury, HCN); . permanent gases (i.e. CO2, N2, O2, CH4). ISO 18400-204:2017 does not give guidance on: - risk evaluation and characterization; - selection and design of protective measures; - the verification of protective measures, although the site investigation methodologies described can be used when appropriate; - the sampling of atmospheric or indoor gases; - the measurement of gases from the soil entering into the atmosphere; - monitoring and sampling for radon.


  • Standard von ISO
  • Ausgabedatum:
  • Edition: 1
  • Dokumenttyp: IS
  • Seiten
  • Herausgeber: ISO
  • Lieferant: ISO
  • ICS: 13.080.05
  • Internationales Komitee: ISO/TC 190/SC 7

